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Quest:Creatures of the Mire

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Creatures of the Mire
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at The Noman-lands
Start Region The Wastes
Ends with Legolas
Ends at Camp of the Host
End Region The Wastes
Map Ref [40.8S, 10.4W]
Quest Chain The Wastes: The Noman-lands
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The Dead Marshes lie just beyond the Noman-lands, a cursed place where the fallen of a great battle still lie. The vile creatures who reside there seem to be over-stepping their bounds and venture into the muddy border of the Noman-lands. You should thin their numbers so they cannot spread any further.


Destroy creatures from the Dead Marshes while scouting in the Noman-lands.

Objective 1

Creatures from the Dead Marshes have ventured into the muddy border of the Noman-lands.

You should destroy any of these creatures you find while scouting in the Noman-lands.

Objective 2

Legolas can be found in the Camp of the Host, on the northern edge of North Ithilien.

You should talk to Legolas and tell how you have cleansed many blighted creatures from the borders of the Dead Marshes .

Legolas: 'The cursed creatures from the Dead Marshes would surely spread farther toward Ithilien if given the chance. Than you preventing their approach.'